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Adney und Chapelle.
The Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America.
Smithsonian Institution Press, New York, reprinted Edition, 1983.
This book deals with the traditional watercrafts of northern american Indians and Inuit. A very interesting, if not scientific read.

G. Back.
Narrative Of The Arctic Land Expedition.
Hurtig, Edmonton, reprinted Edition, 1977.
This book is a narrative of Capt. George Backīs epic journey down the Great Fish River, nowadays known as the Back River. The expedition was planed as a rescue for Capt. Ross who was presumed dead until he came back to England at the time Back was in his winter quarters on Great Slave Lake.

B. Barker.
North of 53°: The Adventures of a Trapper and Prospector in the Canadian Far North.
Methuen, London, first Edition, 1934.

J.M. Bell.
Report on Great Bear Lake.
Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, first Edition, 1901.
Geological Report of Bellīs journey to Great Bear Lake with Camsell.

J.M. Bell.
Far Places.
Mcmillan, Toronto, first Edition, 1931.
The story of Bellīs remarkable life, where he describes the haunting beauty of the northern wilds. One of the great great northern classics.

Capt. J.E. Bernier.
Report on the Domain of Canada Government Expedition to the Arctic Islands And Hudson Straits on Board the D.G.S. Arctic.
Canadian Government, Ottawa, first Edition, 1910.
Bernier wintered on Melville Island, this is mentioned by Stefansson and Noice (Noice, 1925; Stefansson, 1927).

R.P. Buliard.
Macmillan, London, 1956.
Buliard was along with de Coccola one of the most important missionaries in the Arctic who devoted their lifes to the Eskimo.

G. Caleb.
Caribou and the Barren Land.
Firefly, Toronto, 1981.

Capt. W. Campbell.
Arctic Patrols.
Bruce Publishing, Milwaukee, 1936.
Campbell was RCMP-Officer. He was involved in numerous well known stories: For example the missing Fathers or the Mad Trapper. Very good read.

C. Camsell.
Report on the Peel River and Tributaries, Yukon and Mackenzie.
Geological Survey, Ottawa, 1906.
Geological report.

C. Camsell.
An Exploration of the Tazin and Taltson Rivers, NWT.
Geological Survey, Ottawa, 1916.
Geological report.

C. Camsell.
Son of the North.
The Ryerson Press, Toronto, 1954.
Charles Camsell's life. He was born in the NWT, worked for the Canadian Geological Survey and did lots of travelling to remote regions in the Arctic. He did some of his trips together with J.M. Bell (Great Bear area, gripping story of meeting with a polar bear and nearly starving) and gave Eric Morse suggestions for his Snare River Trip.

E. J. Chambers.
Canada's Fertile Northland.
Ottawa, 1908.
Numerous interesting reports of people like Bell and Tyrrell.

E. Christian.
Unflinching -- A Diary of Tragic Adventure.
John Murray, London, 1937.
Christian went to the arctic with Hornby, he was his nephew and only 19 years of age when their party of three died of starvation on the banks of Thelon River. The Diary was found in the stove by RCMP-Officers. This way, the diary survived the dampness of the cabin, which had heavily leaking roof. He died last. His death occured in the first week of june, when the arctic summer was on its was.

C.H.D. Clarke.
A Biological Investigation of the Thelon Game Sanctuary.
Natl. Mus. Canada Bull., Ottawa, 1940.
Very good book on Thelon River and the sanctuarys wildlife, Clarke went there with W.H.B. Hoare (Hoare, 1926). The Clarke River is named after him.

G. Conover.
Beyond The Paddle.
Tilbury Publishers, 1991.
Expedition style techniques for the canoeist. Poling, lining, portaging and navigating through ice are the subjects this book deals with.

G. Conover.
A Snowalkers Companion.
Ragged Mountain Press, 1994.
Winter skills and building and handling the toboggan.

Sir W.M. Conway.
The First Crossing of Spitzbergen.
J.M. Dent & Co., London, reprinted Edition, 1971.

R. de Coccola.
Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1940.
The book describes the 12 years de Coccola lived in the Barthurst region among Inuit as a missioner.

J. Dettmer.
Kanumagazin, Nr. 5/02-2/03: Workshop Planung von Wildnistouren.
Kanumagazin, 2002.
(in german) Four workshops on planing of wilderness trips. Part 1: Planing and logistics; Part2: Equipment (canoe and paddle gear); Part 3: Equipment (Cooking); Part 4: Equipment (Camp stuff).

G. Douglas.
Lands Forlorn.
G.P. Putnamīs, New York, 1914.
Describes Douglasīs journey to the Coppermine River via Dismal Lakes and the wintering on Great Bear Lake in the neighbourhood of John Hornby. One of the great northern classics!

G. Douglas.
The first Journey, Great Bear in Summer.

P.G. Downes.
Sleeping Island: the story of one man's travels in the great barren lands of the Canadian north.
Coward-McCann, New York, 1943.
Downes was a school master who traveld in the Reindeer Lake region, including the Kazan River. Very competent wilderness traveller.

P.G. Downes.
Sleeping Island.
Western Producer Prairie Books, Saskatoon, 1988.
Downes was a school master who traveld in the Reindeer Lake region, including the Kazan River. Very competent wilderness traveller.

M. Dunbar.
Arctic Canada from the Air.
Defense Research Board, Ottawa, 1956.
Dunbar flew to MacAlpine Lakes.

Sir R. Fiennes.
The Headless Valley.
odder and Stoughton, London, 1973.

Sir R. Fiennes.
Living Dangerously - Autobiography.
Charnwood Pub, 1990.

Sir R. Fiennes.
Mind Over Matter: The Epic Crossing of the Antarctic Continent.
Trafalgar Square, London, 1998.

T. Foster.
Catch every every wave.
OCNE, 1995.
White water play-boating in open canoes.

Sir J. Franklin.
Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1819, 20, 21 and 22.
Hurtig, Edmonton, reprinted Edition, 1969.
Describes Franklins journey to the Coppermine River via Yellowknife River. The Expedition mapped the arctic shoreline until they reached Bathurst Inlet. From there they went across the Barrens to Winter Lake. They starved for a long period of time and lots of men died of starvation. Probably canibalism took place, but nobody knows the truth....

Sir J. Franklin.
Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1825, 1826 and 1827.
Hurtig, Edmonton, reprinted Edition, 1971.
Franklins second jorney to the Coppermine via Great Bear Lake. They mapped part of the coast westwards from the mouth of the Coppermine.

P. Freuchen.
Men of the Frozen North.
World Pub. Co., Cleveland, 1962.

Dan D. Sr. Gapen.
Fishing Rivers of the Far North.
Whitewater Pub. Inc., Becker, Minn., 1983.

G.J. Grinell.
A Death On The Barrens.
Northern Books, Toronto, 1996.
An awesome story of an 1955 expedition down the Dubawnt River. George Grinell was a member of the expedition where Arthur Moffat died of exposation. An excellent read, although not old, I would name the book in one breath with Tyrrell or Hanbury.

N. J. Gubser.
Nunamiut Eskimos, hunters of caribou.
Yale University Press, New Haven, 1965.
See also Ingstad (1954).

L. Gullion.
Canoeing and Kayaking Instruction Manual.
American Canoe Association, Menasha Ridge Press, 1987.
The ACA's How to Teach Paddling manual. A source book for paddling instructors.

L. Gullion.
Human Kinetics Publishers, 1994.
``This book is inviting with sound instructional sequences. Excellent balance in the presentation of the sport and recreation paddling.''
Dave Harrison, Editor of Canoe Magazine

D. Hanbury.
Sports And Travel In The Northland Of Canada.
Mcmillan, New York, 1904.
Hanbury was one of the englishmen who went to the arctic for sports. The main subject was to hunt Muskox but they found it no great sport to hunt muskox, so they made one of the most astonishing journeys in the high arctic. The real Arctic Classic!

F. Harper.
Caribou Eskimos of the Upper Kazan River, Keewatin.
Lawrence, KA., Univ. of Kansas, 1964.

A.L. Haydon.
The Rivers of the Plains.
Hurtig, Edmonton, reprinted Edition, 1973.

A. Hayes.
Down North to the Sea: 2000 Miles by Canoe.
Pruett Pub., Boulder, Colorado, 1989.

S. Hearne.
A Journey From Prince of Walesīs Fort in Hodsonīs Bay to the Northern Ocean in the Years 1769, 1770, 1771 and 1772.
Macmillan, Toronto, R. Glover Edition, 1958.
Hearne was the first to reach the Coppermine River. He came from Prince of Whalesīs Fort and crossed the barrens with a number of Cree. As they reached the Coppermine, the indians murdered a group of Inuit, encamped on the shore near a big rapid, named by Hearne as Bloody Falls.

P. Heed und D. Mansfield.
Canoe Racing.
Acorn Publishing, New York, 1992.
The Competitorīs Guide to Marathon and Downriver Canoe Racing. Equipment, fitting, technique, tactics, portaging and training. This book teaches everything one needs to know to practice the ``Life In The Fast Lane''!

W. H. B. Hoare.
Journal Of A Barrenlander.
Hoare was the first game warden in the Thelon Game Sanctuary, established in 1926. See also Hoare (1930).

W. H. B. Hoare.
Conserving Canada's Musk-Oxen, being an account of an investigation of Thelon game sanctuary 1928-29 with a brief history of the area and an outline of known facts regarding the musk-ox.
Dept. of Interior, Ottawa, 1930.

W. H. B. Hoare.
Journal Of A Barrenlander.
S.C. Thomson, Ottawa, reprinted Edition, 1990.
Hoare was the first game warden in the Thelon Game Sanctuary, established in 1926. See also Hoare (1930). Reprinted and annotated edition.

B. Hodgins.
Nastawgan: The Canadian North by Canoe and Snowshoe: A Collection of Historical Essays.
Betelgeuse, Toronto, second Edition, 1987.

B. W. Hodgins und G. Hoyle.
Canoeing North Into the Unknown.
Natural Heritage, Toronto, 1994.
Historical record of numerous northern rivers.

W. R. Hunt.
Stef, A Biography of Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Canadian Arctic Explorer.
University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, 1986.
A Biography work about Vilhjalmur Stefansson, autor of e.g. Stefansson (1924,1922b,a,1927).

H. Ingstad.
The Land Of Feast And Famine.
A.A. Knopf, New York, english Edition, 1933.
Translated from the Norwegian for the first time: Describes Ingstads life as a trapper and among the Caribou Eaters, a group of indians from the Chipewyan Tribe. An excellent read.

H. Ingstad.
Die erste Entdeckung Amerikas: auf den Spuren der Wikinger.
Ullstein, Berlin, german Edition, 1966a.
German: Das Buch über die Entdeckung der Wikinger Siedlung in Neufundland. (Originaltitel: Versterveg til Vinland).

H. Ingstad.
Land under the pole star: a voyage to the Norse settlements of Greenland and the saga of the people that vanished.
Cape, London, english Edition, 1966b.

H. M. Ingstad.
Nunamiut, Among Alaskaīs Inland Eskimo.
W. W. Norton, New York, english Edition, 1954.
Ingstad describes his life with a band of Eskimo who seldom roamed the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Interesting anthropological observations.

C. Jacobson.
Canoeing & Camping Beyond the Basics.
The Globe Pequot Press, 2000.
A ``How to'' book for people who want to learn about wilderness canoeing. Includes a lot of useful information written by the best-known author of American canoeing books.

C. Jacobson.
Expedition Canoeing.
The Globe Pequot Press, 2001.
The most complete source book on expedition canoeing. A great tool for anybody planning a northern canoe expedition. Draws on his own experiences and those of many other experienced expedition paddlers.
Note: Cliff Jacobson, Canoeing Wild Rivers. Out of Print. Replaced by ``Expediton Canoeing''.

Canoe & Kayak.

H. Kephart.
Camping and Woodcraft.
The University Of Tennessee Press, reprinted Edition, 1988.
A Handbook for Vacation Campers and for Travelers in the Wilderness. Yes, indeed, this is book for serious wilderness trippers. Here you find all the stuff some people pretend to know. But all those modern time trappers seem to know nothing. Kephart really knew and used this stuff. You find everything from medical care to building a home in the wild. OK this kind of stuff is not brand new nowadays but almost everyone will find dozens of good tips for the next trip.

A. S. Kesselheim.
The Wilderness Paddler's Handbook.
A treasure of practical and useful information in a very readable format. The kind of book you read from cover to cover for the pleasure of reading.

R. Kesselring.
Daughter Father Canoe; Coming of age in the sub-arctic and other stories of Snowdrift River and Nonacho Lake.
Rob Kesselring and his daughter Lara made a 4 week trip down the Snowdrift River in 1993. Lara was 14 years old at that time. The Book is also an interesting account of the years the author lived in the NWT in the 70ies. The book contains lots of stories of the time, when the North was still a frontier. The book is written with a casual easiness that is hard to match. Besides Grinell (1996) it is my favorite book of the last years.

Dr. F. Kielwetter.
Die Franklin Expedition und Ihr Ausgang.
Verlag von Otto Spamer, Leipzig, 1874.
German: Das Buch befasst sich mit der letzten Franklin Expedition und gibt einen Überblick über das geschehen bei den Suchaktionen. Erst viel später wurden einiger Gräber der Expedition in der hohen Arktis gefunden. Die Expedition diente dem Auffinden der Nord-West Passage.

R. Kimber.
A Canoeist's Sketchbook.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co., 1991.
``Bob Kimber's Sketchbook is a real gem. The musings and anecdotes contained in these pages will make experienced canoeists grin and nod, and will yield a wealth of information to those who are new to the byways of canoe country.''
Garrett Conover, author of Conover (1991)

M. L. Kochanski.
Northern Bush Craft.
Lone Pine Publishing, 1987.
An excellent source book on outdoor survival techniques in a cold climate.

M. Kotzem.
Kanumagazin, Nr. 6/96-2/99: Workshop Tourenkanadier.
Kanumagazin, 1996-1997.
Workshop von ACA Instructor Trainer Matthias Kotzem, mit Inhalten, wie sie von der ACA gelehrt werden. Die einzelnen der 15 Artikel bauen aufeinander auf und beginnen mit elementarer Technik für Anfänger um sich dann bis zu einfacher Wildwassertechnik vorzuarbeiten.

R. Kraiker und D. Kraiker.
Cradle to Canoe, Camping and Canoeing with Children.
The Boston Mills Press, 1999.
An excellent guide to how to take your kids canoe camping and enjoying the experience. Rolf and Debra Kraiker are canoe instructors and guides and starting taking their sons canoeing as infants. This book is based on their own experience. .

W. Krumm.
GPS Global Positioning System.
Delius Klasing, Bielefeld, 1996.
German: Grundlagen für die Positionsbestimmung mittels GPS. Es werden sowohl Hintergrundwissen, als auch Anwendungen vermittelt.

A. Lansing.
Endurance -- Shackleton's Incredible Voyage.
Carroll & Graf Publishers, New York, 1986.
Lansing tells the story of Shackletons Expedition that was meant to cross the arctic continent. He gives a detailled description, gripping read. Related Books are Lansing (1999) and Shackleton (1998).

A. Lansing.
635 Tage im Eis, Die Shackleton Expedition.
Goldmann, München, german Edition, 1999.
German: Lansing arbeitet viele Quellen auf, um die Geschichte der Shackleton Expedition sehr detailliert und spannend wiederzugeben. Siehe auch Lansing (1986) und Shackleton (1998).

C. Leden.
Über Kiwatins Eisfelder : drei Jahre unter Kanadischen Eskimos.
F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, german Edition, 1927.

C. Leden.
Über die Musik der Smith Sund Eskimos : und ihre Verwandtschaft mit der Musik der amerikanischen Indianer.
C.A. Reitzels, København, german Edition, 1952.

C. Leden.
Across the Keewatin Ice-Field: Three years among the Canadian Eskimos, 1913-1916.
Watson and Dwyer, Winnipeg, english Edition, 1990.
Translation of: Über Kiwatins Eisfelder : drei Jahre unter Kanadischen Eskimos.

W. Linke.
Orientierung mit Karte und Kompaß.
Busse Seewald Verlag, Herford, 1986.
Das Buch vermittelt auf sehr gute Weise den Umgang mit Karte und Kompass, bis zu einem Grad wie man ihn für eine Tour in der Wildnis benötigt.

J. Lönn.
Kanotguiden, 333 turer och leder i Sverige.
ICA Bokförlag, 1997.
Guide to many of the most popular canoe routes in Sweden.
Note: Written in Swedish.

T. Mallet.
Plain Tales of the North.
Revillon Frères, New York, 1925.

T. Mallet.
Glimpses of the Barren Land.
Revillon Frères, New York, 1930.

E. Mallroy.
Coppermine, The Far North of George M. Douglas.
Broadview, Peterborough, 1989.
The Book shows lots of very interesting Pictures of George Dougls' first Journey to Great Bear Lake (Douglas, 1914,1932) in high quality. Further, the book reveals some interesting stories of the Journey and background information.

B. Mason.
Path Of The Paddle.
North Word Press, 1984.
Bill Mason deals with Canoeing, techique and Wilderness canoeing. The technique part is a little outdated and shows that Mason was not one of the best technical paddlers. But Bill Mason was one of the most experienced paddlers in the world. Further, he had a deep understanding for nature and he early understood that our nature is worth protecting it. This makes it a must for every paddler. Great Book.

B. Mason.
Song Of The Paddle.
North Word Press, 1988.
Bill Mason deals with camping skills and shows another way of living in the woods. Interesting philosophical points of view. Lots of tips from one of the most experienced open canoeist ever, very good reading.

P. Mason.
Thrill Of The Paddle.
Key Porter Books, 1999.
Paul Mason deals with white water paddling and playboating. This is a field not covered by the other two Books by Bill Mason. Paul Mason is a world class playboater in the open canoe. This book is a joy to read! Further, it has some very good stuff for paddlers of every skill level.

J. McGill.
Northern Adventure.
Highway Book Shop Cobalt, Ontario, 1974.
The trip of Charles Camsell and James Mackintosh Bell to Great Bear Lake, Coppermine River and back to Great Slave Lake via the Camsell and Marian Rivers. They were nearly starved when they finally met Indians on Hottah Lake.

G. McGuffin und J. McGuffin.
Paddle Your own Canoe.
Boston Mills Press, Erin, Ontario, 1999.
Very good, up to date book on canoeing technique with lots of high quality illustrative pictures.

G. McGuffin und J. McGuffin.
Faszination Kanusport.
Heel, 2000.
German version of ``Paddle Your Own Canoe''. Sehr gutes Lehrbuch mit vielen guten Bildern von Nordamerikas bekanntestem Paddelpaar.

D. McKown.
Canoeing Safety and Rescue.
Rocky Mountain Books, 1992.

Capt. F.L. M'Clintock.
A Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir Jhon Franklin And his Companions.
Edmonton, Hurtig, reprinted Edition, 1972.
One of the more interesting books on one of the indeed numerous search expeditions for Franklin. M'Clintock wrecked his ship on the north shore of Banks Island. Stefansson visited this ship a couple of times on his $ 3^{rd}$ epedition (Stefansson, 1927). Some people say that the ship cause the near extinction of Muskox on Banks Island, for the eskimo highly frequented Banks Island because of the metal provided by the ship (Stefansson, 1924).

Capt. R. M'Clure.
The Discovery of the North-West Passage.
Hurtig, Edmonton, reprinted Edition, 1969.

H. Melville.
Moby-Dick, or, The Whale.
University Of California Press, 1979.
An awesome story, not directly related to canoes--but every library needs a copy to be complete.

D. S. Miller.
Rescue, Stories of Survival from Land and Sea.
Thunder's Mouth Press, 2000.
Selected stories of survival by many authors, Including Dorcas Miller's own tale of a narrow escape after her canoe capsized on a cold and windswept northern lake.

T. Mores und M. Mohr.
Firefly Books Ltd., 1997.
A step-by-step guide to building wood strip canoes. Includes plans for seven different canoe models.

R. Morris.
Building Skin-On-Frame Boats.
Raincoast Books, 2001.
Using the Greenland kayak as a guide to basic skin-on-frame boat building, Robert Morris also shows how to adapt the basic technique to build several other boat types. A great introduction to this traditional type of boat building, whether you are just curious or actually want to try it yourself.

E. Morse.
Freshwater Saga.
University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1987.
Eric Morse was one of the first recreational wilderness canoeists. This book tells some of his memories of his trips.

F. Nansen.
The first Crossing of Greenland, 2 Volumes.
Longmans, Green, London, 1890.
When one read a couple of books of Nansen it is difficult to discribe them. He was incredibly tough, beyond our understanding nowadays.

F. Nansen.
Eskimo Life.
Longmans Green London, 1894.
A study of Eskimo habbits.

F. Nansen.
Farthest North (two volumes).
Constable, Westminster, 1897.
This is the account of Nansens drift in the Fram. He discovered the arctic ocean this way!

F. Nansen.
In Nacht und Eis.
Heinrich Albert Verlag, (reprinted) Erdmann Edition, 2000.
German: Das Buch beschreibt die Drift-Expedition mit der Fram (siehe auch Nansen (1897)). Greifendes, sch"on zu lesendes Buch.

R. Nehberg.
Die Kunst zu Überleben -- Survival.
Kabel, Hamburg, 1981.
Das Survival Buch.

R. Nehberg.
Kabel, Hamburg, 1986.
Von der improvisierten Zahnbürste bis zur improvisierten Blinddarmoperation ist hier alles zu finden. Das Buch ersetzt aber keineswegs das Training und das zugucken beim Arzt.

J. Niemi und B. Wieser.
Rivers Running Free.
Seal Press, 1997.
``A wonderful first in women's publishing. While it will hold special interest for those who have gone canoeing, especially on wilderness trips, it is also likely to appeal to many readers who have never stepped into a canoe.''
Women's Review of Books

J. Niven.
The Ice Master.
Macmillan, London, 2000.
This is an account of the voyage of the Karluk. The Karluk was the flagship of Stefanssons Expedition (Stefansson, 1927) starting in 1913. The Karluk wrecked in the winter of 1913/1914, the crew tried to rescue themselves in reaching Wrangel Island. Out of 25 people 14 died.

H. Noice.
With Stefansson in the Arctic.
Harrap, London, reprinted Edition, 1925.
Noice spent some time with Stefansson in the arctic on the Canadian Arctic Expedition around 1919 (Stefansson, 1927). Since Stefansson was a person difficult to handle, this reveals some of the problems of the expedition not mentioned by Stefansson. Especially the differencies between Stefansson and Anderson. Noice was a fan of Stefansson, and yet shows an interesting side of the Expedition not to be found in Stefanssons books.

S. Olson.
The Lonely Land.
A.A. Knopf, New York, 1961.
Olson was on many trips with Eric Morse. The book deals with the trip on the western Churchill River.

R. M. Patterson.
Dangerous River.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co., 1990.
Patterson's tale of exploration on the South Nahanni River in the 1920's is one of the classics of the canoeing literature and gives fascinating insight into the history of life along this Canadian Heritage River.

R. Peary.
Northward Over the Great Ice (2 Volumes).
Methnen, London, 1898.
Peary started out on the ice with a military sized expedition. He claims that he went to the pole but cannot proof.

R. Peary.
Nearest The Pole, A Narrative Of The Polar Expedition Of The Peary Arctic Club In The S.S. Roosevelt 1905-1906.
Hutchinson, London, 1907.

D. F. Pelly.
Betelgeuse Books, Ontario, first Edition, 1981.
Describes the authors journey down the Back River to Pelly Lake in 1977.

R. Perkins.
Against straight lines: alone in Labrador.
Little, Brown, Boston, 1983.
Labrador travel.

R. Perkins.
Into the Great Solitude.
Holt, Henry & Company, LLC, 1991.
Perkins also produced a video on this trip.

W. Pike.
The Barren Ground Of Northern Canada.
Macmillan, London, New York, 1892.
Pikes trips in the region east of Great Slave Lake. Remarkable book, one of the great northern classics.

W. Pike.
Through The Subarctic Forest.
E. Arnold, London, New York, 1896.
Pikes trips in the Yukon area.

W. Pike.
Through The Subarctic Forest.
Arno Press, New York, reprinted Edition, 1967.
Pikes trips in the Yukon area.

Royal Northwest Mounted Police.
Report of the Barthust Inlet Patrol 1917-1918.
Kings Printer, Ottawa, 1919.
These patrols were made by dogsled and were really tough! Very interesting read.

J. W. Powell.
The Exploration of the Colorado River and its Canyons.
Penguin Nature Library, reprinted Edition, 1987.
Originally published 1895 by Penguin Nature Library. On May 24, 1869, ten men in four boats, loaded with gear and supplies for ten months, pushed off at Green River, Wyoming. On August 30, six men in two boats, down to their last few pounds of supplies, came out into open country at the mouth of the Virgin River. This is the story of their ordeal. A real river exploration classic.

G. Prater.
The Mountaineers, Washington, 1988.
What are you doing when all the rivers are frozen? Go, get yourself some snowshoes.

D. Preston.
In den eisigen Tod -- Robert F. Scotts letzte Fahrt zum Südpol.
DVA, Stuttgart München, 2000.
German: Mitreißendes Buch über das Wettrennen zum Südpol, aus der Sicht von Scott. Also nicht direkt Paddelliteratur, aber schön zu lesen, sehr spannend und für Wildnisreisende in nördlichen Regionen interessante Informationen.

J. Raffan.
Wild Waters.
Key Porter, Toronto, 1986.

J. Raffan.
Summer North of Sixty: By Paddle and Portage across the barren lands.
Key Porter, Toronto, 1990.

J. Raffan.
Fire in the Bones.
HarperCollins, Toronto, Toronto, 1996.
Biographical work on Bill Mason (Mason, 1988,1984). Interesting read of a man who knew the way of the open canoe and one of the very few men who did understand nature and paid their respect.

K. Rasmussen.
Across Arctic America: ``Narrative of the $ 5^{th}$ Thule Expedition''.
Putnam's, New York London, 1927.
Account of a very long expedition by dogsled and boat, following the shore of the arctic ocean through the northwest passage. Rasmussen was a danish (?) anthropologist, researching the intellectual culture of the Eskimo (Rasmussen, 1976).

K. Rasmussen.
The Intellectual Culture of the Copper Eskimo.
AMS, New York, reprinted Edition, 1976.
First published in 1932 by Nordsik Forlag, Copenhagen. This is one of the scintific volumes of the expedition named above (Rasmussen, 1927). A very interesting read showing a very deep understanding of the Inuit Culture by Rasmussen. A must read for the people who are interested in Inuit Culture (see also Stefansson (1924) for this topic).

S. Ray.
The Canoe Handbook.
Stackpole Books, 1992.
Excellent Book on paddle tecnique for the open Canoe. The main emphasis is solo whitewater canoeing.

S. Ray und L. Bechdel.
River Rescue.
Appalachian Mountain Club Books, 1997.
Ray and Bechdel are very experienced white water paddlers and have considerable experience in open canoes.

P. P. Read.
Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors.
Secker & Warburg, 1974.
Account of a plane crash in the Andes. The survivors were forced to canibalism. Gives interesting aspects of survival (Nehberg mentions this story in Nehberg (1981)). This book touches the readers very soul.

B. Richardson.
Strangers Devour the Land.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co., 1991.
An intimate look into the people and communities of James Bay, particularly the Cree. The book is a moving chronicle of the resistance of the people to the dams, the story of James Bay 1, and how Hydro-Quebec came to begin the largest single hudroelectric project in North America.

Sir J. Ridchardson.
Fauna Boreali-Americana, or the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America Part First: The Mammals.
Murray, London, 1829.
Ridchardson was with Franklin (Franklin, 1971,1969) on his two expeditions as a surgeon and naturalist. This is the result of his scintific work.

Sir J. Ridchardson.
Fauna Boreali-Americana, or the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America Part Third: The Fish.
Richard Bentley, London, 1836.
Ridchardson was with Franklin on his two expeditions as a surgeon and naturalist. This is the result of his scintific work.

G. Roberts und Ph. Shackleton.
The Canoe.
Macmillan of Canada, 1983.

D. Robertson.
To the Arctic with the Mounties.
Macmillan, Toronto, 1934.

H. Rock.
The Basic Essentials of Poling.
ICS Books, 1992.
Basics of Canoe Poling, by Poling Guru Harry Rock.

F. Russel.
Exploration in the Far North.
The Univ. of Iowa City Press, Iowa, 1898.

E. T. Seton.
The Arctic Prairies: a canoe-journey of 2,000 miles in search of the caribou : being the account of a voyage to the region north of Aylmer Lake.
C. Scribner, New York, 1911.

E. Sevareid.
Canoeing with the Cree.
Minnesota Historical Society Press, St. Paul, 1968.
The story of two teenagers' 2250 mile trip by canoe from Minneapolis to Hudson Bay in 1930. A nice tale of adventure and description of the Canadian north the way it was 70 years ago.

E. Shackleton.
Arctic Journeys: The Story of the Oxford University Ellesmere Land Expedition.
Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1937.
This is a book by Edward Shackleton, not to be mixed up with Ernest Shackleton (Shackleton, 1998).

Sir E. Shackleton.
Carroll & Graf Publishers, New York, 1998.
Sir Ernest Shackleton's personal Account of a doomed voyage and heroic rescue in the vast ice barrens of the Antarctic. Although this book seems not to be related to Canoes in the least way, it gives a number of interesting aspects on surviving in cold climate. A very gripping read.

H. Steele.
Policing the Arctic.
Jarrolds, London, 1936.
One of the ``tough-men'' RCMP officers who was involved in the RCMP-Patrols (Police, 1919) in the Barren Ground.

V. Stefansson.
Hunters of the Great North.
Harcourt, Brace, New York, 1922a.
Anthropology, Inuit Life.

V. Stefansson.
The Northward Course of Empire.
Harcourt and Brace, New York, 1922b.

V. Stefansson.
My Life With The Eskimo.
Mcmillan, New York, 1924.
Stefansson is a member of an expedition and works together with Anderson (american biologist, after whom the Anderson River is named). Afer a long time in the Arctic they return via Kendall and Dismal Rivers to more southern reaches.

V. Stefansson.
The Friendly Arctic.
Mcmillan, New York, 1927.
Stefansson led the Canadian Arctic Expedition. He spend a long period of time in the high arctic Archäpelago and on the moving pack. He and his companions mainly lived on seals and Polar Bears. They were presumed dead for many times (see also Niven (2000); Noice (1925)).

V. Stefansson.
Arctic Manual.
Mcmillan, New York, 1944.
Manual for the high arctic, written for the United States Army.

V. Stefansson.
The Fat of the Land.
McMillan, 1956.
Stefansson deals with the importance of fat as food in high arctic regions.

V. Stefansson.
Discovery: The Autobiography of Vilhjalmur Stefansson.
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964.
Interesting. Stefansson was one of the more difficult persons in the arctic. It is a good idea to read the book in combination with a couple of other books, e.g. Niven (2000); Hunt (1986), to get a complete view.

V. Stefansson.
Hunters of the Great North.
AMS Press, reprinted Edition, 1982.
Anthropology, Inuit Life.

J. Stelmok.
Building the Mainguide Canoe.
Lyons & Burford, Maine, 1980.

J. Stelmok und Thurlow.
The Wood and Canvas Canoe.
Tilbury House Publ., 1987.

H.C. Stuart.
To the Arctic by Canoe.
McGill Queens Univ. Press, Montral, 1974.
The journal and paintings of Robert Hood, midshipman on Franklins first expedition. Hood was murdered by one of the Voyageurs and probably was eaten by some of the expedition members.

H.C. Stuart.
Arctic Ordeal.
McGill Queens Univ. Press, Montral, 1985.
The daily journal of John Ridchardson on the first Franklin Expedition.

H.C. Stuart.
Arctic Artist.
McGill Queens Univ. Press, Montral, 1994.
Journals and paintings of George Back, midshipman on Franklins first arctic expedition.

J. B. Tyrrell.
Report On The Doobaunt, Kazan and Ferguson Rivers.
S.E. Dawson, Ottawa, 1897.

J.W. Tyrrell.
Across The Subarctics Of Canada.
Wiliam Briggs, Toronto, 1908.
Long journey in the Keewatin District, for the Canadian Geological Survey. Includes the Dubawnt, Kazan and Thelon Rivers, Chesterfield Inlet and Hudson Bay. Northern Classic.

Walbridge und Sundmacher.
Whitewater Rescue Manual.
Ragged Mountain Press, 1995.

C. Walbridge und J. Tinsley.
River Safety Anthology.
American Canoe Association, Menasha Ridge Press, 1996.
Accounts of Rescue and Tragedy on North American rivers with comments by the authors.

D. Wallace.
Lure of the Labrador Wild.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co., 1990.
The classic story of the ill-fated 1903 Hubbard canoe expedition into the Labrador wilderness. A fascinating tale of hardship and survival.

R. Weber.
Polar Bridge.
Key Porter Books, Toronto, 1998.
Canadian Expedition crossing the Arctic Ocean from Russia to Canada via the North Pole.

R. Weber und M. Malakhov.
Polar Attack, From Canada to the North Pole and Back.
M & S, Toronto, 1996.
Weber and Malakhov are world class skiers. They were the first to reach the North Pole by fair means and come back by fair means. Without any resupply! The book is a very gripping read since both had extrem mental pressure and the conditions werde very hard on their bodys.

G. Whalley.
The Legend of John Hornby.
J. Murray, London, 1962.
Hornby was a very remarkable traveller north of 60 around the beginning of the $ 20^{th}$ Century. He wintered on Great Bear Lake and starved several winters in the vast northern wild. Near Reliance, he nearly starved to death in 1920 - 21. Finally he starved to death with two very young companions, one being his nephew, on the shores of the Thelon River in an exceptionally long winter (April 1927). No doubt, this is a thrilling read.

G. Whalley.
Death in the Barren Ground.
Oberon, Ottawa, 1980.
This book deals with the Hornby Tragedy. It mainly concentrates in the Tragedy wheras Whalley (1962) is more like a biography. The Diary of Edgar Christian is published in a better historical context than was possible in  Christian (1937).

Jan Dettmer 2003-05-28